Bitcoin Green Energy Boom

Argo & DMG aim for zero-net carbon emissions!

UK-listed bitcoin mining business Argo Blockchain (ARB.L) and cryptocurrency technology company DMG Blockchain Solutions (DMGI.V) have signed a "crypto climate accord" (CAA) aimed at promoting industry decarbonisation and reaching net-zero emissions from electricity consumption by 2030…more

Argo Blockchain, a U.K.-listed cryptocurrency mining company, has purchased two data centers in the Canadian province of Quebec to support its “green mining vision.”

  • The data centers, with a combined 20 megawatts, are powered almost entirely by hydroelectric energy…more

DBS Private Bank started Asia’s first bank-backed trust solution for Bitcoin as demand for digital assets increases. Private banking clients can invest, custody and manage their Bitcoin…more

I’m starting to like this guy. He bought Bitcoin last year and panic-sold - but totally owned his mistake after watching it go up and up to 64K. He finally bought 1 BTC and he really loves that 1 Bitcoin! Congratulations Dave, you’re among the 21m.

Watch this funny meme wiith Dave smacking Elon around :)

Oh, yeah - just one more thing. Elon liked this tweet I made about Argo Blockchain buying hydro-powered data centres for Bitcoin mining. Fine, but there is no redemption unless he buys another billion or starts a solar-powered Bitcoin miniiing company!

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