46m Americans Own Bitcoin

Check out the full NYDIG survey results!

46 million Americans now own at least a share of Bitcoin—that equals about 17% of the adult population - survey conducted by the New York Digital Investment Group (NYDIG)

And some of those people are looking to integrate the cryptocurrency into their personal financial plans—including their life insurance…moreFULL NYDIG SURVEY

The SEC has warned of volatility and the lack of regulation in the Bitcoin market…more

SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce commented on Twitter:

  1. The Exchange Traded Product will begin trading under the ticker “XBTI” on Wednesday with a total expense ratio of 0.95%.

  2. The product is structured as a traditional ETP and aims to remove the technical complications of investing in and holding bitcoin for investors, the Frankfurt-based firm saidmore.

Yes, they actually said that! Here’s Dan Morehead’s recent response.

Bitcoin vs 2017 and 2013 Bull Markets

I love this chart tracking Bitcoin vs previous cycles. It’s probably my favourite of its kind. Give the guys at @ecoinmetrics a follow.At one point there was a real possibility of an early blow-off top, but this long consolidation period put an end to that. We’re now looking for the next leg up over the coming weeks if it follows similar contours to 2017. Let’s see…

Thank you for reading and look out for the next update!